2024 ArchAngel and Usui Reiki Level One
I am looking at scheduling an in-person Reiki Level One course in my home. The tentative date is Saturday, June 22nd, from 10-4 pm....
Reiki 1 Class & Silver Linings Event
*******I am so excited to share an upcoming event that I have been asked to be a part of. Kari Mena is having her own Silver Linings...

A Message from ADam
You can do all things through the vibration of love. Love is the super glue that bonds us all together. Love all others but you gotta...
New Facebook Group
Hi eveyone! I have started a new FB group with ADam's help, Doing Grief Differently With ADAm & Sara. Please check out my latest blog...
Updating Our Home
We were in the process of updating our kitchen when ADam's accident happened.One of the last texts I sent him was of the new kitchen back...
Valentine's Day Significance
February 14th is such a fun holiday. Growing up in the 60's sharing candy and exchanging cards at school was always such a special...
Facebook Group Forming
Doing Grief Different With ADam & Sara A Facebook group has been in the works for quite awhile. Doing Grief Differently is not only a...

Checkered Flag Collection
ADam was very passionate about racing. It was in his blood so to speak. He began racing go karts at the age of 8 and quickly found his...
More words of wisdom from ADam. "Don't take life for granted, grab it by the bull horns and manifest it baby." lol #LongHorns #DreamIt
You Are My Sunshine
Almost everyday in the first year of my grief I would comfort myself and sing to ADam. The same two songs that always flowed from my...